Schaeffer CarbonTreat™ Premium Summer Fuel Additive


CarbonTreat™ Premium Summer Fuel Additive prevents and controls the formation of asphaltenes and other unstable compounds.

SKU: SMC0137CTPS-G Category: Tag:


Extreme pressures and temperatures in high-pressure common rail fuel injection systems are creating an all too familiar problem: plugged fuel filters and foul injectors.

CarbonTreat™ Premium Summer Fuel Additives prevent and control the formation of asphaltenes and other unstable compounds. CarbonTreat™ is highly effective at combating soot and plugging issues that can rob your engine of horsepower and performance. By reducing the amount of soot from entering the exhaust system and even the DPF filter, CarbonTreat™ Premium Summer Fuel Additives help mitigate the downtime needed for DPF regeneration.

CarbonTreat™ contains highly concentrated, multi-functional additive systems to improve fuel economy, reduce exhaust emissions and increase horsepower. Further blended into CarbonTreat™ is a non-alcohol jet fuel deicer/water dispersant to remove moisture present in the fuel and prevent the formation of stable-fuel-water emulsions. Our proprietary lubricity additive, SynShield® provides added protection against fuel system wear and injector scoring for longer component life.

Developed for newer model vehicles, CarbonTreat™ can be used in any diesel-powered vehicle and in all types of diesel fuel, including ultra low sulfur diesel fuel and biodiesel blends.

CarbonTreat™ exceeds cleanup and keep-clean performance as shown by the Peugeot DW10 Injector Depositing Test throughout the entire fuel system. CarbonTreat™ is registered and meets US EPA requirements for blending into low sulfur diesel fuels.

Performance Benefits

  • Improves fuel’s cetane rating – up to 5 points.
  • Eliminates black filter deposits.
  • Reduces soot generated in an engine’s combustion chamber.
  • Reduces emissions, exhaust smoke and particulates.
  • Anti-wear protection throughout fuel system.
  • Restores and optimizes horsepower.
  • Easier cold weather starting and faster warm up.
  • Protects fuel system against rust and corrosion.
  • Controls moisture.
  • Improves fuels economy.


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